
Dr. Anindita巴塔查里亚

祝贺你 to the 菠菜网lol正规平台 graduating students of 2021

Dr. 雷郭

祝贺2021届毕业生 !


你好.  我叫露辛达·劳森.  I was the Administrative Analyst in the EE Department 直到我退休. I so enjoyed working with the students. 我和IEEE做了很多工作 members 和 appreciated working with them. I enjoyed their enthusiasm 和 dedication IEEE的使命. 我会想念你. 祝大家好运.


"Do 你 want to know who 你 are? 不要问. 行为! 行为ion will delineate 和 define 你."


"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that 你 have lived 和 lived well."



Thuy勒Dr. Thuy勒

EE graduates, I would like to give the most heartfelt congratulations to 你 for 你r 成就. This is a jo你s moment that 你, 你r family 和 friends, 和 all of 我们在菠菜网lol正规平台引以为豪的. In the past few years we have asked 你 to study hard 和 learn so much, 和 你r perseverance 和 hard work led 你 to today’s accomplishments. We are now confident that 你 are ready to go out to better 你r life 和 society. I would like to say thank 你 to the parents 和 gr和parents, for supporting 你r sons 和 daughters, 和 also for supporting us in our jobs.

Dear EE graduates, 你 are now all EE alumni, 和 I know that 你 will be busy with 更高更大的目标. We will surely miss 你 at 菠菜网lol正规平台. 你在这里的时候 我们要求你努力学习. Now we ask 你 to let us know about 你r successes in life by returning for our EE annual alumni reunion. You will not hear from us about logic gates or system transforms. We want to hear from 你 about 你r gates to success 和 the transformation of 你r lives. So please come back 和 share 你r stories with us. I hope that 你 will find much joy in 你r lives, 和 will be very busy contributing to 你r success 和 happiness as well as those around 你.

Bhaskar Mantha巴斯卡尔·曼塔

祝贺你 on achieving the greatest goal of 你r life. 我为你的努力感到骄傲 工作业绩. Now is the opportunity to achieve even more successes in educational 机构和行业. 我想祝你一切顺利.

David Parent教授



I wish 你 all the best with 你r career 和 endeavors! Be ready to adapt to the environment. What 你 acquired from 你r college years will be a good foundation to learn or invent 新事物层出不穷. When 你 have a chance, assist 你r fellow 菠菜网lol正规平台 alums. 我们会 change the world together, every bit 和 byte!

王晓勇Dr. 王晓勇

祝贺你! 当之无愧的! 谢谢你的辛勤工作!